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Mario Kart to Launch in Europe on 25th November

October 5, 2005, 8:28 am EDT
Total comments: 41

Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector to go on sale for thirty pounds.



5th October 2005 – Mario Kart fans rejoice as the hugely popular racing game comes to the Nintendo DS on 25th November 2005. Mario Kart DS will drive players new and old to distraction as they race their way around a selection of tracks, including all-new extravaganzas and time-honoured classics from previous versions of the games. What's more Mario Kart DS will be the first Nintendo DS title to offer gamers online play allowing you to race anyone, anywhere, anytime for free.

Want to show off your skills? Then get excited as Mario Kart DS features both online and wireless multiplayer modes. By using the Wireless DS Single-Card Download Play feature, up to 8 players can link up with just one game card. Alternatively you can battle it out online with three other players either in the comfort of your own home using your existing Wi-Fi broadband; or in the High Street either at Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Access Points in store or at Nintendo Wi-Fi connection enabled public Wi-Fi hotspots. Never before has it been so easy to pick up a games console and challenge friends from all over the world for free!

Nintendo's unique new Friend Roster enables players to play online with their friends, all you need to do is set up a Friend Code by swapping a number with your friend, they will then be added to your Friend Roster and you can select to play with them online anytime, anywhere. Alternatively you can play with someone of a similar skill level. This is done seamlessly via Nintendo's servers through the use of a skill mapping system to ensure the environment is open to users of all ages and skill levels.

The Nintendo DS's double screens are put to perfect use in Mario Kart DS, moving certain features, such as the map onto the bottom screen, clearing the top solely for the fast paced action. Mario Kart DS also allows players to see what weapons their opponents have, thanks to a small symbol next to their faces on the lower screen. For the first time ever you will know what item to hang onto and what tricks your opponents have up their sleeves.

Following in the Mario Kart tradition, players must pick up items along the track such as power-ups which they can use to boost their own powers, mushrooms for a speed boost, a star to become invulnerable or shells, bombs and bananas to attack their opponents. Players can use these items to knock their opponents off the track and out of their way. These power ups can dramatically change the outcome of a race, so mastering these can give you the vital edge over your opponents.

Mario Kart DS provides excitement and challenges to keep players, both young and old, entertained and in the driving seat. This highly addictive, fun and fast paced racing game launches on the Nintendo DS in the UK on 25th November 2005, at the estimated retail price of around £30. Also launching on the same date is the Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector which will enable players who have Broadband at home to join in the Wi-Fi fun. The Nintendo Wi-Fi USB Connector will be priced at around £30.

Further details on the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection Access Points and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection public WiFi hotspots will be announced soon.

Click onto www.nintendo-europe.com for all of the most up to date official information on Nintendo.


PaLaDiNOctober 05, 2005

30 pounds?

RennyOctober 05, 2005

You can get a wireless router for $50 or less in the US. Is it safe to assume they're that cheap in the UK too? Nintendo of Europe cashes in.

mantidorOctober 05, 2005

30 whole pounds? Its like Nintendo doesnt want me to get a DS face-icon-small-sad.gif. Here the price is almost $200, so I dont want to even imagine how expensive the adaptor is going to be. Why Nintendo is stupid enough to price it that high in a third world country and yet hopes it gets sold is beyond me. Every time I go to buy the DS hoping for a price cut I end up buying old N64 games since I cant afford it. My latest purchase: Mario 64, Pilot Wings and Mischief Makers, for roughly $30 dollars

ArtimusOctober 05, 2005

30 pounds!? That'll be $60 American! I wanted to pick the thing up for like $20! That's absolutely insane, more than a ROUTER.

Ian SaneOctober 05, 2005

30 pounds, eh? I thought they wanted to have like 90% of the userbase online or something like that. If we have to BUY something extra for a rip-off price how do they expect those numbers? I thought the whole big deal about the DS was they you don't have to buy anything extra.

Connectivity failed because of one reason above all else. Even if every friend you knew had a GBA the blasted CORD cost extra so no one had one. The DS can use hotspots so that improves things somewhat but hotspots isn't a great strategy for North America. The United State population isn't as tightly packed together as Japan is and Canada has a way smaller population in a much larger landbase. Relying on people to go to a hotspot just isn't going to fly even with a portable. And if we have to buy this thing for the Rev then they're screwed. The Rev online features will be niche at best including the download service.

Nintendo lower the price of this thing and pack it in with EVERY copy of Mario Kart DS. Then start to include it with EVERY DS and when the Rev launches include it with EVERY one of those. You're never going to get even close to this incredibly optimistic percentage if you don't.

I'm hoping the price is the usual "Nintendo of any region but Japan and North America is a complete dipsh!t" routine and isn't respective of Nintendo's global strategy.

ArtimusOctober 05, 2005

Errr...Ian...if you already have a router you don't need this. In other words don't need to buy anything. Still works at any hot spot too.


KDR_11kOctober 05, 2005

Artimus: No, it's 45$ because NoE adds 1/3rd to all prices.

Ian SaneOctober 05, 2005

"Errr...Ian...if you already have a router you don't need this. In other words don't need to buy anything."

Do you mean a wireless router? If so no I don't have one and I shouldn't have to buy ANYTHING. I can see with the DS because of it's size. But for the Rev I should just be able to plug my internet cable into the back of the Rev and presto.

KDR_11kOctober 05, 2005

Eh? Where did that internet connection materialize from? I don't remember Nintendo talking about becoming an ISP and shipping a cable or DSL modem with the DS. Or have you *gasp* bought that one by yourself because you wanted it anyway?

Ian SaneOctober 05, 2005

"Where did that internet connection materialize from? I don't remember Nintendo talking about becoming an ISP and shipping a cable or DSL modem with the DS. Or have you *gasp* bought that one by yourself because you wanted it anyway?"

But I don't want or need a wireless router anyway. There's a big difference between having an internet connection and having a very specific hardware setup for that internet connection. Wireless isn't that widespread yet so I think it make sense to have a jack on the thing. If you have some form of broadband internet they should be it. You shouldn't have to buy anything else.

PaLaDiNOctober 05, 2005

Seems to me that this is going to be Nintendo Wifi's "entry fee" for some people.

I don't see people complaining about Xbox Live...

Ian SaneOctober 05, 2005

"I don't see people complaining about Xbox Live..."

Xbox Live doesn't have 90% of the userbase using it like Nintendo is aiming for. Nintendo wants this to be really widely used. So I'm saying if they want it to be that popular then they better not charge for an extra piece of hardware which they don't have to if they aren't so insistent on everything being wireless.

RABicleOctober 05, 2005

Ian you live in Canada. You will find yourself in a free wireless hotspot near any hospital, private school, modern library. There's probably at least 3 overlapping ones on the streets downtown. Your neihbours might even have one. Think realistically.

Ian SaneOctober 05, 2005

"You will find yourself in a free wireless hotspot near any hospital, private school, modern library."

I live in the country. I don't have any of these things nearby. And even if it worked out okay for me Canada has a whole lot of "middle of nowhere" places and so does the US. I'm looking at this as a potential problem with Nintendo's 90% usage plan overall. Even if it works out for me it's not going to work out for everyone.

vuduOctober 05, 2005

Ian, I think you're reading too much into that 90%. Nintendo doesn't mean that 90% of its user base will play online on a regular basis. They mean that 90% of owners will play online at one point or another. For some it may be every day. For others, it might only be when at the airport waiting for their plane to take off and they have a Hot Spot available. Even if the service is free, lots of people aren't going to utalize it on a regular basis.

mantidorOctober 05, 2005

It doesnt matter. Nintendo is charging a ridicously high price for the thing, no one will buy it, and so their online user base will be as niche as xbox live is. You can already count me out of this, and I was fully willing to give Nintendo a chance with online, but not this way.

wanderingOctober 05, 2005


Seems to me that this is going to be Nintendo Wifi's "entry fee" for some people.

....except that, once you pay the fee, you don't have to pay again. Also, a lot of people won't even need to pay for the thing in the first place.
Why are people making such a big deal out of this?

mantidorOctober 05, 2005

because Wifi is not as mainstream as you think, Im not going to hang out in my university to play which is basically the only place with wifi, oh thats right! I forgot! the world = usa + Japan (+ sometimes europe) ¬_¬ bah, Ill stick to my PC then.

KDR_11kOctober 05, 2005

Then get a freaking WiFi card for your computer! You wouldn't complain about having to buy Cat5 cable if there was an ethernet jack. If Nintendo included this thing with some games they'd have to raise the price of these games. That means charging users for something they might not need or want. I already have a WiFi card, why would I want another one and why in hell do people want to force another one upon me just because I bought a certain game?

ArtimusOctober 05, 2005

Yeah, good lord! People will complain about everything. Now they're mad because Nintendo won't give them free wifi? Lord this site is getting horrific. The price is insane but this thread is worse.

mantidorOctober 05, 2005

Sure, but going online must must be as painless as posible. I found their number completly unrealistic, and if they wouldve done everything right I think they couldve reach 50% at most, now I think they wont surpass xbox live numbers. and seriously people who go online only once or twice doesnt count or measure how succesful their online service is going to be.

Im so bitchy right now because I was hoping Nintendo was going to give me a cheaper solution than having to buy a router, In fact Ill just wont get a DS after all, I really wanted to, but the cumulative prices of games+system+ now router just arent worth it when I can spend that money on the whole lot of GC games I want but dont have. Having a cheap USB adaptor wouldve probably changed that.

I know, its just not important in the grand scheme of things for Nintendo but let me rant tpg.gif

PaLaDiNOctober 05, 2005

Yeah, I don't see Nintendo hitting that 90% unless there's something else they haven't mentioned yet.

If I didn't already have a Wifi router and I cared about online at all, I might care about this decision, but I do and I don't so I don't.

mantidor, the only reason you were planning on buying a DS was to play online games? Talk about missing the point.

Bill AurionOctober 05, 2005


Originally posted by: ShyGuy
Same ol, same ol....


Couldn't have a better visual representation of this bitchfest...If you so desire you can go out and purchase a wireless router for like 20 bucks...But seriously, an easy "plug in and play" adapter I can take wherever I desire for a one-time price and play free games for as much as I want? You guys are being hilariously bratty...

mantidorOctober 05, 2005


Originally posted by: PaLaDiN

mantidor, the only reason you were planning on buying a DS was to play online games? Talk about missing the point.

nah, not really, I kind of "unconciously" decided to not get it just because its too expensive for me even before this was announced, but I still had a little hope, this recent news have forced me to come up on terms with that decision (hence the bitching).

DynamitegaOctober 05, 2005

Yeah, you can buy a wireless router for about $50, but they're absolute crap. The range and strength of them are poor. This USB transmitter they're going to be selling is top quality stuff. Buffalo makes some damn good wireless hardware. I bought my wireless router for $130, and it's fantastic, it's a Belkin Pre-N and I always get 4-5 bars of signal instead of 1-2 with my old Linksys router.

Everyone forgets that in Europe, everything costs more. Just like Canada &<

Watch it be 30 bucks here in the US.

~Carmine M. Red

ArtimusOctober 05, 2005

I'd say $19.99 American would be reasonable. Thirty in Canada.

CalibanOctober 05, 2005

I don't really care how much it costs, as long as it is a quality product. I think I'll be able to afford it anyway so whatever.

ArtimusOctober 05, 2005

I'm really baffled over this. What do people expect? Am I disappointed in the price? Yeah. But if they're not marking it up I cannot blame them. Do you think there should be a chord so you don't need a wireless anything? Right. Like THAT would work, dream on. Spending what will equal hardly any money for endless free wireless likely for this and the next handheld system (as well as Rev) is hardly a cruel thing. Am I annoyed at the price? No. Disappointed it's this much. But that doesn't mean they're worthless.


KnowsNothingOctober 05, 2005

Indeed, that price would get you a cord and a month of subscription pay. I'd rather have the freedom of wireless gaming and no monthly fees.

But that's just me.

mantidorOctober 05, 2005


So Ive been searching, and wireless routers are actually around $100 O_o, at least here, so I searched wrong or what? because that makes the wifi adpator deal pretty nice...


who am I kidding a $200 DS is just out of my reach face-icon-small-sad.gif thats basically my salary, and this is just in time when the protable decides to get a whole lot of awesome games...

MarioOctober 05, 2005

I agree that they need to pack this USB thingy in with Mario Kart if they want to even get close to 50% online, let alone 90%, to do that they'll need to start packing it in with the DS itself. Selling the USB thing for the same price as a game is ridiculous and is just asking for failure. Nintendo, you can afford to take a loss with this! It will be worth it! Come on!

No, they can't sell them at a loss. Keep in mind the adapter is little more than a Nintendo-branded version of a current WLAN product. I don't think Buffalo would stand for its own product being sold at less than its usual retail value, even if Nintendo paid them full price and took a loss. You think a company like Buffalo would want to compete with itself? Unless the USB adapter is designed to only work with Nintendo products (VERY unlikely), putting it in a different market, we'll see it selling for $35 at best. I believe that's around what it is selling for in Japan.

MarioOctober 05, 2005

Good point, and also once you buy this USB Dongle, that's it! No more stuff needed for buying future online games. They're on to something pretty damn good here, they just need to get USB Dongles in peoples homes, i'd be a bit hesitant to buy one if I could buy a new game for the same price.

Maybe they could do a Mario Kart + Red DS + USB Dongle bundle? That'd go flying off the shelves! We'll see what happens.

KDR_11kOctober 05, 2005

You'd need a non-red DS bundle then, too. You know, thems insecure kids don't like red.

PlugabugzOctober 06, 2005

£30 is expensive given you can buy them from £15. I got a PCI Wifi card for £20.

The thing better be made of gold and have an extendable tray to iron your trousers on, else I won't be too happy.

mantidorOctober 06, 2005

But thats just the card. If people ( like me) have only wired internet access they need both the card and router as far as I know.

PlugabugzOctober 06, 2005

There are bundles available. I've seen one for the current G Netgear router that can be bundled with a laptop wireless card, or usb chip.

PaleMike Gamin, Contributing EditorOctober 06, 2005

Seriously man... who would have thought that you would have to actually have a wireless network to play with the DS online wirelessly...

How do you make something like that free?

what th...

KDR_11kOctober 06, 2005

A router is just a stripped down PC with routing software installed. A PC with a WiFi card can be set up to function as a router/access point.

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