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Spider-Man: The Movie

by Kosta Andreadis - August 9, 2001, 7:20 am EDT
Source: Core Magazine

Coinciding with the release of the upcoming Spider-Man film, Activision plans on releasing the webbed one in May 2002 for all consoles.

Coming for PlayStation 2, X-Box, GameCube and Game Boy Advance via development house Treyarch, who have previously have worked on porting Tony Hawk: Pro Skater 2 and Spider-Man for Dreamcast, Spider-Man: The Movie (hopefully they find a better title) is set for release May 2002. The project is being worked on in conjunction with Columbia Pictures and is said to follow the movie's storyline very closely.

Both the game and the movie take place in New York city and see Spider-Man face-off against his nemesis, the Green Goblin. Plenty of aerial combat is expected in the game with a fully 3D New York City poised to use the capabilities of the next-gen consoles. Each version of the game is expected to be nearly identical.

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